Member-only story
Feng Shui Meets Medicine Painting
It was an ordinary day, or so she thought.
She did not know that her ah-ha moment was waiting for her like a bobcat quietly crouching in the grass focused on its prey.
That is how ah-ha moments are, and they rarely warn you as they approach. But when they arrive suddenly, a light goes on, you have a new understanding, and everything makes sense.
The connection between Feng Shui and Medicine Painting snuck up on me in an ah-ha moment.
Typically, I ask Feng Shui clients to show me around their house and introduce me to the space before reading the energy and recommending remedies.
This consultation was different because each time I went into a room, I asked about a particular piece of furniture or painting in the space. The client said to me, “oh, I hate that thing.”
After the third time, I realized that every item she hated was in the self-knowledge or, as I refer to it, the Inner Magnificence part of the Feng Shui bagua.
When I told her that in each room, she said she hated the objects in the areas represented by her Inner Magnificence, she was horrified. She believes she loves herself.