5 Fears Blocking Your Success, Happiness, And Inner Peace And What To Do About It

Nancy Dadami
7 min readJan 31, 2024
Nancy Dadami ~ 5 Fears Blocking Your Success, Happiness, and Inner Peace And What To Do About It

Fears block your success, happiness, and inner peace.

Fears, struggles, and challenges are part of a life that everyone faces.

Imagine your life as a lush, vibrant garden full of beauty and potential. Notice there are weeds in your garden, and they represent your fears.

Although your fears may not be visible, they rob you of success, happiness, and inner peace.

Addressing and transforming your fears is essential to reach your full potential and enjoy success, happiness, and inner peace.

The Fears That Lurk Within

Fear of asking for help

Some people know the benefits of asking for help, yet others hold themselves back and suffer silently.

Whether you are struggling professionally or personally, not asking for the help you need can harm your success. Here are three reasons why you may be afraid to ask for help.

3 Reasons We Are Afraid to Ask for Help

Pride is in the Way

Independent people struggle to ask for help when needed because they believe they should do everything themselves.



Nancy Dadami
Nancy Dadami

Written by Nancy Dadami

An invitation to create, connect to your dreams, & embrace your intuition through Feng Shui, Medicine Painting and Personal Development Linktr.ee/nancydadami

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